Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Psophie and I

I’m in a relationship with my PSP .

Little black gadget created by one of those aliens in Sony’s laboratory. This little gizmo does almost everything. Plays music. Mp3, WMA ,….It plays music. It’s got a gorgeous little screen for showing movies which is much better than that of the iPod or Microsoft’s laudable Zune. It’s got Wi-Fi technology which means I can browse with it if I want to. There’s also a super cool EBook reader for the over 1000 eBooks I have. And finally the amazing games.

What’s not to love in the relationship?

I call my PSP , Sophie (spelt Psophie. see?).We’ve been going out for ..oh..the last five months.

Our relationship started about 13 hours after my last girlfriend dumped me.
Well maybe “dumped” is too strong a word. She didn’t dump me. We’d been going through a rough spell .One day we had a talk and she confessed that she didn’t see any respite ahead. To that end she asked that we call it quits. I gave it some thought and agreed with her.
Irreconcilable differences.

I had tears in my eyes.
I’ll miss you. Last kiss. Sniff sniff. Hug. Hug.
The next morning I got my PSP . My Psophie.

For the next one week I completely forgot that I had just broken up with a girl I had actually considered marrying. I spent days and nights playing different games on my wonderful machine. When I got tired of being beaten by the only person that can these days, my oldest friend Ayo, I would lie down and listen to music and when I got tired of that I would read a novel and when I got tired of that….

Life was good.

Three days later my ex girlfriend sent me a text.
Nothing fancy. Not some lengthy reel of spoken love, circumstances despite. Nope. It was just a short simple text with four words written.

I hate your PSP .

It stunned me.
Not the message, but the reason behind it.

I hadn’t noticed time fly by. For the first time since I had discovered sex and relationships I had been saved the day of moaning and pondering that always followed a break up. I had simply segued into a new life with no hiccups thanks to my darling psophie. My transition had been so smooth that I had actually forgotten to call my exgirlfriend. Something I had done religiously for almost a year.

I had found my quick fix pill. Some people go shopping to cheer themselves up after a break up.Some burn love letters. Others go on a drinking binge. Some go for short daring rebounds. Wild sex in wilder locations.
And some, like little simple crazy me, just play with their PSP s.

I picked up my phone.
I sent her a reply promising to call her soon.
I went back to my PSP .

I eventually called her two months later.


Jeff Corbin said...

Definitely gotta love Psophie.
Oh and dude, i love the topic. lol!

Am the drinking kind...well at least once after it how long has that been? hmm...

Queen of My Castle said...

LOL...I would really hate to be the ex-girlfriend in this situation. Pain intermingled with sarcasm...nice read.

I am more of the retail therapy type.

Because I am a woman I must ask, have you fully dealt with your emotions?

Jeff Corbin said...

"Because I am a woman I must ask, have you fully dealt with your emotions?"


bighead said...

give ur psp some more time and "she"'ll take more than your girlfriend

bArOquE said...

they never know when they do these things to us, esp bringing us close to tears on the verge of a breakup, right now, after almost 120mins of phone talk with her, i'm very hungry, tired, kinda sleepy, sipping white wine, listening to Robin Thicke's Angels (not helping matters) & blogtrotting
...later man, i'm sad

Carlang said...

@ baroque: My sympathies man...
they never know when they do it to us...
Hang in there...
thanks for stopping by

Femme said...

sweet sweet sophie!
doesn't she hold you when the world comes crashing down, isn't she the darling that makes sure you eat healthy and makes you call mummy at least once a week?
nobody croons out 'carlang' in the heat of passion like Sophie right?
haha in their face! you don't need them chicks right?

bArOquE said...

hey man...that breakup i spoke about b4 is not yet resolved...u cool?